dSome common questions and answers to help you navigate through the competition! Please Note: As of 3/4/25 there is a TEXT CLUB singers should consider joining to get updates. All signed-up singers should message Craig on any of the social platforms to get the information to join.
Q: As contestants do we need to check in by a certain time? For example. If the competition starts at 8 do I need to be there at like 7:45 so you know I’ve arrived? And on the opposite end, is there also a grace period for late arrivals?
We will have a first hour warm up and start officially 1 hour into the scheduled time. You must check-in before that 2nd hour begins. We do not guarentee a warmup spot, so plan accordingly.
Q: If we make it to the genre championships do we sing the SAME song or another one at that round for that genre? Also the same question for the GRAND championship?
If you enter in more than one Genre and qualify for more than one, you have to choose the Genre you’ll compete at for Finals. Others will take your place in previous genres. You can sing whatever you wish as long as it fits the genre, Heat Karaoke Championships will have the final say it if doesn’t.
Q: I saw there will be VIP seating options for the championships. When will those be available for purchase? If they exist already I cannot find them, and I’m certain I’ll want to attend even if I don’t advance.
Each of the genre finals and the Grand Finale will have prime seating options for sale. I’ve blocked 10 tables for family and friends and whomever to purchase seats up front and also to help finance the competition. For the Rock Finals – Click here: https://heatkaraoke.com/karaoke-event/the-rock-genre-finals-at-the-hub-of-kennewick/
Q: Are the Judges being paid?
Yes, the Judges are receiving a fee for their work, I believe that in order to get professional results we should expect to pay for them.
Q: Can you use YouTube?
No, Those are not for public use… I must either own the song, or be able to purchase it from the Vendor you chose.
Q: Can I compete again?
Yes, you may try out as many times as you like, each will cost $10 ($15 on day of)
Q: How are the judges scoring for these Qualifying Rounds?
More information on the 1-15 grading scale is available on the judging page here about midway down the page.
Q: May I change my song?
It must be of the correct genre and turned in no later than 3 hours before the competition scheduled time to allow me time to setup. Please TRY to avoid this, I put a lot of effort in and a lot of last minute changes are a strain.